Turning Remnants into a Rug
Remnant City in Pittsburgh offers dozens of solutions to the need for a rug but limited to a budget that prohibits a big expense. Remnant carpet lends itself beautifully to a purpose of being a carpet rug. Remnants can be used as they are with the addition of binding around the edges. They also can be seamed together and then edge bound to create unique rug applications.
Area Rug
The simplest way of turning remnant carpet into a carpet rug is to purchase the size remnant that fits the target space and then add edge binding. Binding does not have to be sewn on to be effective. Sewn bindings require heavy duty commercial machines that practically no one has free access to using. There are self adhesive edge bindings that perform very well over time with the help of simple hot glue.
The first step in using remnant carpet to create a simple, one piece rug is to determine the size that the new rug needs to be. Turn the rug over on its face so that it is upside down. The jute or other backing creates a grid on the bottom of the remnant carpet. Find the first ridge of that grid that continues from one corner to the opposite side of the carpet remnant. Mark it so that it’s visible and clearly defined. Either work on a surface that does not need to be protected or slide a thin board under the edge you will be cutting. Cut along the marked backing ridge so that the edge is completely straight. Repeat the process with the other three sides. The remnant then will be perfectly square.
Turn the remnant over so that the right side is facing up. Apply self adhesive binding material along all edges, notching the hidden portion at corners to make neat turns. There will be a small space between the edge of the remnant carpet and the exposed portion of the binding. Run a bead of hot glue along the entire length of the binding, pulling the exposed binding edge close to the carpet edge as you go. Hot glue cools quickly and will make a neat and durable edge for your new carpet rug.
Specialty Applications
If making a runner or a patchwork carpet rug where it is necessary to make seams, there are two types of options available for creating those seams. One requires the use of a carpet seaming iron and heat activated tape that holds the carpet pieces together. The other – and much simpler – option is to use an adhesive seaming tape that does not require heat. When applied well, the self adhesive seam tape performs very well over time.
Allow extra carpet material if trying to match patterns. It is simpler to use solid color material that does not require matching. Square up all pieces as discussed above, then use the seaming tape to attach the pieces together. Lay out a length of seaming tape and put one piece of carpet along half of it. Fit the other piece of carpet so closely that the edges of the backing material of each butts against the other piece. Apply pressure to ensure full adhesion then move to the next section. Apply edge binding as discussed above and the result will be a unique carpet rug that fits perfectly in its space.